
Gem & Mineral Show, Tucson, AZ

It’s spring break for J and I’m trying to include him in some fun activities, as I always do when he’s home with us.  It’s been difficult because he and I have both been fighting various nasty bugs for the better part of the past month, but we’re trying to get out daily.

Yesterday we ventured to one of our local malls here in the Phoenix area…the Superstition Springs Mall in Mesa.  Our main goal was to see Big Hero 6 but we planned lunch and some browsing beforehand.  This mall is home to our old “dollar theater” (which is now two dollars unless it’s Tuesday, but still a great deal!) and like many of the malls in our area, it is coming out of a bit of a depression but certainly seems to be on an upswing.

Many of the storefronts, particularly down certain branches of the building, still house what the kids call “no-name” stores.  These little stores seem to come and go a LOT…it feels like every time we’re there, they’re different!

Yesterday, we noticed a gem and bead store next to Gamestop (the boys HAD to poke around in Gamestop for over twenty minutes even though neither had any money) and K and I were quite delighted at the thought of looking at all the sparklies.  I think this store was there last time and for some reason we forgot to go in, but whatever the case, we made it into the store finally.

K and I were instantly in love yet the boys were bored (and terribly distracting) so we vowed to return ~ just the two of us ~ to buy some beads and stones.  Of particular interest to me were their large quartz points, since I really have been wanting to make a long necklace from one.  When we were in Tucson at the Gem & Mineral Show a few weeks ago, I was looking but didn’t find anything quite right (I’m sure I just needed more time to explore) so I was happy to find the points at this local mall store.

I didn’t get a chance to take any pictures yesterday, so I’ll post one from Tucson last month.  Sparkly pretties are the same whether you’re at a cheesy mall store or an annual rock paradise.  🙂