Chime Candles Galore!

One of the biggest sellers in my Etsy shop are chime candles, or spell candles as some call them.  What they actually are?  These are 4′ tall little taper candles (but straight-sided) that many Pagans like to use ~ they are our prayer candles!  The original use for these is Angel Chimes and other similar chimes that are popular around the holidays (whether you celebrate Yule, Christmas, Chanukah, etc.)  Yes, a lot of people use larger tapers or votives or even tealights.  Personally I love these little candles since they burn down in less than an hour, come in lots of brilliant colors and are relatively inexpensive. I also love the little holders you can get for them!  I carry any and all colors I can find and I sell them in different packages.  I also enjoy using them myself ~ much like other traditions, I light candles frequently with prayers and during holidays/celebrations.

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