Category: Randomness

  • Happy Easter!!

    We celebrate Easter in a secular way and my kids are probably dreaming about chocolate bunnies, soon-to-be-deviled eggs and more chocolate. 🙂  To everyone who celebrates today and however you celebrate it, Happy Easter!!

  • I Cheated!!

    I was so committed to my Sew-it-All Challenge, I really REALLY was.  I made it to April 18th…I didn’t buy one stitch of clothing for the little kids during all that time.  I had a big elaborate array of clothing planned for this spring and was going to big in as soon as I finished…

  • MIA 🙁

    My mother passed away on 3/23/11 after a ten day illness where she refused to seek medical attention.  I was there when she died–rushed over to be there when my dad called the paramedics to hopefully drag her off to the hospital (she refused to go on the 21st even with paramedics standing there telling…

  • Family Matters

    We celebrated my dad’s 70th birthday tonight and it was such a great time!  My sister came with her two kids (boy-girl twins, almost-8) and my family had *such* a fabulous evening! My dad told me, right after my mom passed away, that his only wish before his time is up is that my sisters and…

  • I Returned My Bike

    In late-February I bought a really pretty light purple Schwinn Ranger mountain bike.  It was perfect for me.  The $200 price tag was a little steep but I loved it.  Problem was that the gears didn’t work right.  Out of 18 speeds I could really only make the bike go into 3 or 4.  I…

  • Diagnosis: Madness!!!

    It’s official…I am indeed an oddball. Wait–I’m sorry. I’m not an oddball. I’m simply a “Highly Sensitive Person!” Apparently this is a personality trait, not some sort of major dysfunction. I’m NORMAL. Yay, me. Now, if only we’d figured this out say…I dunno…THIRTY SEVEN YEARS AGO? According to Elaine Aron et al about 15-20% of…

  • Succulent Snack

    Mmmmmm…I think kiwi is back in season.  YUM!  It’s insanely inexpensive right now in central AZ, so we’re enjoying the bounty.  (And remember, it’s zero WW PointsPlus! 🙂 )

  • Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

    I got lemons today–I just love using them in chicken and fish recipes.  They’re a quick way to add flavor and zing when I don’t feel like making something elaborate (i.e. I’m worn out).  No, I haven’t cooked anything lemony yet with this batch, but they were so pretty I couldn’t resist a little photoshoot.…

  • Bye Bye Breadie

    It’s time.  Eating fresh bread daily hasn’t exactly been good for my waistline.  I was horrified to weigh on Sunday and discover I’ve gained 7 pounds in the last two weeks!  I’ve been off-plan since my mom’s illness and death and initially had gained back several pounds, but I’d been maintaining that with ease for…

  • Floral Fortitude

    Just a jaunt through the nursery department of my friendly neighborhood Walmart…who knew you could find such beauty at Walmart? 😉